Monday, April 29, 2013

Not so sleepless in Seattle ...

In August of 2012, when the idea first popped up in the Fox Casa about our potential relocation plans, I didn't fully understand how crazy our life would get for the next several months. Between planning and selling a house, moving to a new state and then all the after-math, it's safe to say we've been feeling a little exhausted. SO, as soon as life settled down enough, we were anxious to plan a weekend getaway to one of our new, closer NW locations. Combine this desire with our love of baseball, and bam --- the Seattle weekend getaway was on!

Luckily for us, the Rangers were slated to head to Seattle soon after opening day, so we set our plans for mid-April. Neither of us had been to Seattle before, so even though we had a short few days, we also planned to add in some city touring and some winery visits. A hop, skip and a one hour flight later, we were in Seattle and ready for the weekend.

Our first welcome surprise was the Edgewater Hotel. WOW! What a place. We didn't learn until we got there how much history there was with famous visitors. We were struck by the modern lodge look and the location, literally, on the edge and over the water. These are just a few pics, and they don't do it justice. The trip was off to a great start.

For Day 1, we did a Sights and Bites of Seattle City tour. The tour ended up being private, and we had a very talkative Seattle native who had tons of stories built up in his 70+ years. Dave was thrilled to begin his seafood extravaganza, and the lunch break did not disappoint.

We got to check out all the famous landmarks, and we got to enjoy that famous Seattle weather. :)

We also got to see the very first Starbucks. Unfortunately, the line was just a wee bit long to partake.

After the tour and a little R&R, it was game time! Luckily they closed the roof due to sprinkles that were still around, but it was still a wee bit chillier than our usual baseball experience. The Rangers, unfortunately, didn't get a win for us. But, we got to enjoy seeing the boys and check out Safeco.

For our last full day in the city, we chose a winery/falls tour. We got to visit a boutique winery, then Chateau St. Michelle (the largest winery in the area), followed by a visit to Snoqualmie Falls and a gourmet chocolatier. These folks know their wine! We learned that Washington is only second to California in U.S. wine production, and we sampled some really fantastic wines. We also got to see our first big waterfall, and it didn't disappoint. Truly beautiful, and the chocolate on the way home rounded out a decadent day.

So, NW mini-vacay number one was a success. We can't wait to take advantage of the proximity of Portland, San Francisco, Yellowstone, and more. And, since all good getaways eventually must come to an end, the best part was coming home to Boise.