Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013: We'll miss you!

So, another year is coming to a close, and I'm sure you have seen that most of your social media posts, updates, etc. involve some talk of New Year's resolutions. Well, I'm no different, and this blog post is intended to address a couple of resolutions for me. First, my technology addiction. Despite the fact that I spent more years of my life somehow surviving without constant technical stimulation, I have fallen into the trap that most of us face where I find myself mindlessly on my phone and missing out on my actual life. To that end, I plan to curb social media in 2014. That balance is always tough, in that, when you live so far away from friends and family, Facebook and Instagram serve additional purposes. So, to that end, I plan to kick the blogging back up. For any friends and family who would like to stay in touch via this blog and/or email, please send me a note at brandirfox@hotmail.com, and I'll ensure I add you to my distribution list (and reach out via email to check in). Until I can get that list going, I'll post my blog links on Facebook to share, and folks can choose to check them out or not.

Second, I love writing, and I miss it. I am still trying to fit in finally finishing that novel, but since every time I pick it back up I basically re-write everything I've done, it's going slow. Blogging was a fun way to enjoy some quick wins on the writing front, and I hope to use it for more purposes than just its original theme. We'll see, but I like the idea and the fresh start in 2014.

Dave and I have many reasons to look back on 2013 fondly. We enjoyed our first year in our new home state and town, we took on several new activities, and we found a home we intend to be in until our golden years. Oh, and I also turned 40 somewhere in there. (No wonder I'm tired). Here's a little visual summary of our year. Happy New Year everyone, and here's to a peaceful 2014!