Sunday, March 2, 2014

Apparently I don't bounce

Ahhhh, February. You came and went in a flash. You're supposed to be such a good month: Valentine's Day, my love's bday, family birthdays, the last of the Winter months before we start looking forward to Spring. Well, apparently our "luck" got recalibrated, or we moved into a house located on top of ancient burial grounds. I'm not sure which, and I'm scared to re-watch Poltergeist for research. Needless to say, as March is now upon us, I'm hoping for a reset.

So, problem number one for February: my Sydney. Even after the painful decision to put her through a second back surgery in November (right in the middle of moving) and a very successful, but long and exhaustive rehab program, we were faced with a third back injury in early February. It's been really devastating, as we chose no more surgeries and medical options only. Luckily, as I type this, we're on the upswing, and she is walking again and seemingly in no acute pain. This process has involved about 5 pills per day, carrying her everywhere she needs to go and petting and coaxing her through some tough first days. There's no doubt that this disease is a terrible curse for dachshunds. We can only hope for continued good news, as she rolls into these golden years. Here's what she thinks about the whole thing.

So apparently my devastation over Sydney being down yet again wasn't enough. On a random Monday morning (yes, a Monday), I took a fateful Three Stooges-esque tumble down our wooden stairs. This was while carrying Sydney. I'll cut to the good news that she was completely unharmed, and I am fine, except for a few lingering bumps and bruises. Well, actually, my massage therapist uttered yesterday, "Ummmm, you've still got a bunch of bruises back here; let's focus on your right side." So, I have a very relaxed right half of my body at the moment. But, I digress... The stairs of doom taught me a few lessons. 1) Must wear my rubber-soled slippers 2) Must death-grip the handrail 3) Must warn future visitors of the same. I fought the stairs, and the stairs won.

As Syd and I try to recuperate, we can only point the finger at Dave and Skittles, who seem to have gone unharmed (more research is required here I think). But, on that note, Dave did get to enjoy a good birthday. He got his long-awaited Traeger smoker, a nice dinner with friends, a guided fishing trip and even a day of skiing. He's getting to take a break from playing RN this weekend. Hope you're having fun love.

On one final note, I did get to enjoy one fun, new thing in February: a CSI class! Yes, for those who know me well, this will make total sense. I got to spend five weeks at the Ada Count Coroner's office learning about the entire process, including hands-on demonstrations and lots of case studies. Was it a precursor to "stairs gate" that the class before focused on Blunt Force Trauma? Ahhhh, who knows. Until next time.