Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lotion and Hot Tea

Hello again. What a long and productive week we have had as Idahoans. I am sitting in my cozy new living room, fire blazing, and some snow flurries just started outside the window. What I'm not doing, thank goodness, is unpacking boxes! That's pretty much what our week has been like. But, first things first. What has the new place been like for our first week? In a word, amazing!

As I mentioned in my last post, the truck from Texas arrived on Tuesday. The entire day was pretty much dedicated to unloading, and thanks to the complicated inventory involved in a cross-country move, there wasn't much work we could do to unpack while the unloading took place. By 9:30pm, our bellies were full of Dominoes Pizza, our floor space was covered in boxes, but every last thing was unloaded and accounted for. We basically dug up our bedroom linens and crashed. Seriously, would it ever end? Wednesday morning we were also pleased to learn our Jeep had also arrived to its new home. All Fox possessions and family members were now present and accounted for.

Well, four days and countless hours later (while working in the midst of everything too), every last box has been unpacked (well, except those in the garage we hope to ignore for the next year), and we are officially settled in. Everything arrived unscathed, but one kitchen item (R.I.P. Southern Living tray), and after about 4 trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond, 1 to Home Depot and 2 different grocery stores, and what feels like 14 loads of laundry, we are returning to a somewhat normal routine. (Seriously, has anyone out there had to start completely over with everything in the fridge and pantry -- beating).

Here's what everything looked like on Tuesday night when the movers left.

Here's what it looked like by the end of the work week.

We are both settled into our new home offices too, and I even treated myself to a new desk. I think this is going to be a super cozy place to work.

We ended the week by celebrating a little and enjoying a nighttime view of Boise's Christmas Lights by helicopter. What an amazing experience. It felt like a perfect end to a long week.

Next step: closing on the Allen house next week (please cross fingers). Oh, and of course, preparing for a lifetime supply of lotion and hot tea. My new town is accelerating my appreciation for hydrated skin and hot beverages. :)

Merry Christmas!

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