Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our first visitors!

If you're keeping up with the Why We Love Idaho list, hold that thought until next time. There's a more important topic to talk about this time ... we had our first visitors! This is going to be a good one, because I've even included a guest blogger.

Before we get into the details of the super fun weekend we had with the Andersons, let me start by looking back a little bit at our time in Texas. We never really had many overnight guests when we lived in Allen. This was due, in large part, to the fact that we had all our friends and family close by. Other than the occasional post-pool party sleepovers, there really wasn't much need. So, our guest room (and my desire to make yummy breakfasts for guests) pretty much languished. As we made plans for our big move, we certainly spread the word that we wanted visitors, and plenty of them, to come check out our new home town. When we unpacked the new house, we were sure to set up the guest room pronto. Well, my BFF Nancy and her hubs Steve stepped up to the plate. We learned in mid-February that they would be making a visit, so the planning began! With everyone so busy, February went by fast, and the visit was upon us. We were hoping for good weather and good times and we got that and much, much more. So, I'll tell you a little bit about it (and share some pics) from my perspective, and then I'll let you hear it from Nancy herself.

Our first order of business after airport pick up and a fun lunch in Hyde Park was to show Nancy and Steve the beauty of Idaho by taking them on a scenic drive. This drive starts in Eastern Boise, heads Northeast, then West, then back south to Eagle. We had really great, sunny weather (and we'd practiced the sometimes-harrowing drive once ourselves), so we set out on our adventure, and the views didn't disappoint. We got to take some fun breaks to get a closer look too.

And this was our reward... 

On Day 2, we decided to really experience the mountain with some fun tubing and lunch at the lodge. We had another sunny day, and we enjoyed feeling like kids again as we came up with new configurations for heading down the tubing hill. (I can't help it that I prefer to go down on a tube, as opposed to by the seat of my ski pants -- the outcome when I ski.)

It didn't take long before the boys decided skiing needed to be on the agenda. So, they got suited up and headed out together. I have to say major kudos to Steve for picking it up so easily and making me wonder why I have such skiing deficiencies. Go Steve!

While the boys skied; what did we do you say? BFF checklist: 1. Serious chatting and catch up - check. 2. Watching the skiers and taking in the beauty of the mountain - check. 3. Having a little hot cocoa - check. 4. Making our way into the bar for some vino - check. Well, you get the idea. We had some fun too!

As our last full day approached, we ignored the end of trip blues that were mounting and spent time exploring Boise, eating a yummy lunch downtown, and, Steve and I tackled Camel's Back park hill together. Let's just say that the reason for the lack of pics that day is due to the severe amount of recovery required after that fete, but we did it! Steve - I think there's still a cough or two lingering from that one. So glad we did it together.

After our fun weekend together, it wasn't goodbye, but until next time (hopefully this summer). I wanted you to hear someone else's perspective of Boise, so I asked my fabulous BFF if she would mind writing a few paragraphs. What you'll read below is the reason she's so special to me. So, here's to our guest blogger, Mrs. Anderson:

When Brandi and Dave told us they were moving to Idaho, we were about as excited as we get when we have to visit the DMV; not so much. But it’s a free world and hey, if that’s what these crazy kids wanted to do, then who were we to try to dissuade them? Besides, there were plenty of other people who were already working that angle.
Turns out that the crazy kids were actually onto something rather special. Ok, better than special. Snow-capped mountains: check. Romantic rolling hills, reminiscent of a Western movie: check. Great restaurants, nearby snow-skiing, caribou: check, check, check. I don’t mean to diss my beloved Texas, but I was kind of ready to move to Boise by the end of the second day.
I can’t say that there was one single aspect that I loved the best. For me, it was the combination of the amazing scenery and the convenience of nice restaurants and culture. Though we got only a small taste of everything that Brandi’s been going on-and-on about, I could tell there was plenty to keep a person busy. I don’t think it would be such a great place if you didn’t enjoy the outdoors, but if I lived there I would want to be hiking and soaking in the beauty as often as possible. Steve loved the skiing (so nice to be able to drive only 45 minutes to the ski area) and I know he’d love to go back and do some mountain biking.
Do I miss my best friend? Absolutely. But the upside is seeing how happy David and Brandi are in their new home and having an awesome place to visit. As long as the Foxes live in Boise, there will be a little piece of me that can call Idaho home.

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