Friday, January 11, 2013

Let it snow ...

Happy Friday everyone! We're wrapping up a winter wonderland week here in Eagle. The Texans got a good taste of snow this week. It's been beautiful and definitely a change to experience and navigate around.

Our snowy week started with an unusual drop in temps last weekend. We just had a little leftover snow on the ground, but the highs were in the teens and 20s. We didn't let the cold weather deter us, as we were anxious to get started with this book, which I received as a Christmas present.

We're still newbies, so we decided to start small and headed to the Boise Greenbelt to start one of the first recommended 5-mile trails. The scenery was beautiful, and we even saw a huge, beautiful owl hanging out near one of the bridges. Since there was no wind or humidity, the cold was really tolerable, and we managed a five mile walk around the river. This is a pic from one of the breaks that someone who's name may or may not start with a D insisted we take. :)

After checking my Garmin, I was pleased to learn we burned about 800 calories. We remedied that in about 30 minutes by visiting one of the super charming coffee houses downtown for a post-walk treat.

After our weekend fun, we got a real surprise when the snow started on Tuesday. We ended up getting about 4 inches total that day, followed by another 2 or so yesterday. Here's our view while we were out and about driving yesterday.

We've learned that Sydney is a snow bunny extraordinaire. She has been endlessly begging to go outside, so she can hop and dig around in it. This is the result AFTER we've tried to towel her off. She could make her own mini snowmen.

I had to join in the fun last night a bit myself.

As we're figuring things out, Dave has learned all about snow shoveling, and we've certainly made use of our new utility room accessory.

As the first full week of January comes to a close, we have made it through what Idahoans call "heavy" snow. We also are official and have our new Idaho driver's licenses (even had to take a new written test), and we're continuing to drink in the beauty. This is a sunrise from this week before our new snowfall. Here's to cozy sweaters and waterproof boots (thanks to Jenny!)

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