Monday, January 28, 2013

Boys' Weekend and Sunday Drives ...

Well, life has been a bit hectic around the Fox Casa, so I'll be catching up on two weeks for this post. Our Winter Wonderland continues here in the Northwest; we've actually had some pretty chilly temps. Things are warming up this week, however, and our sunshine (and mountain views) have decided to return. It's a little crazy how quickly we have adapted to the weather, and a return to the 30s has felt downright toasty. But, alas, it wasn't so toasty last weekend, so we'll begin there.

While I traveled back to Texas, Dave took Justin up on an offer to go ice fishing up on Cascade Lake where the Arringtons have a cabin. They had single digit temps, but being the avid fishermen that they are, they were not deterred. Before I left last Saturday for my plane, Dave was hurriedly packing just about every piece of warm clothing he has in anticipation of the weather.

For day 1 of fishing, they used the sled to get their supplies out to their fishing spot.

The temps had been so low, the ice was 14 inches thick, requiring some elbow grease to set up their fishing holes.

Set up and ready to go ...

Obviously the boys needed some supervision, because, for day 2, they decided to use the Rzr as their mode of transportation out to the lake.

Despite the cold temps, the weekend's stories proved that fun was had by all, and ice fishing is definitely being added to Dave's long list of new hobbies. We need the three car garage just for fishing poles, supplies, backpacks, tackle boxes, etc., but I digress. :)

With the family back together this weekend, and friends and family members planning visits over the next several months, we decided to spend some time this weekend doing some research at our closest ski resort, Bogus Basin. Since the the temps warmed up and roads are clearing up, we decided to test out the 4 wheel drive and make our way up the mountain. Bogus Basin Ski Resort is actually only 20 miles away from home, but thanks to the mountain roads and elevation changes, it's about a 50 minute drive. And, wow... was it ever worth it.

After checking out the views and the tubing hill, we took a quick self portrait before heading to the lodge.

We were able to take a quick hot cocoa break and watch the skiers at the main lodge. Dave was very disappointed to be there without his skis.

We were thrilled to learn of such a wonderful place for skiing and tubing so close to home! Buses actually leave several stops in the Boise area and head up the mountain all day on the weekends, so we're anxious to head back up soon for some skiing. I've also added snow shoes to my wish list; there were several gorgeous trails we saw on the way up. We're ready guests ... buckle your seat belts for some adventures!

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready to get my tubing on! And love the name Bogus Basin.
