Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Colds and To Do Lists

Cold season has hit the Fox casa hard this week. Amongst the haze of tissues, Nyquil, cough drops and our blankies, we have been able to experience a little more of our new hometown, enough for a blog post anyway. So, sniff, sniff, sneeze, here I go.

It's hard to believe that February is already upon us. I remember vividly the day (Oct. 31) that a photographer was set up in our house in Allen taking pics for our posting of our home sale. We were nervous and anxious about this process... Would the house sell quickly? What if it didn't? What if it sold too fast? How would all this get done, regardless of those answers? Being the good little Project Manager that I am, I immediately went to the comfort of a list. If I could write it all down (or what I knew at that point), at least I'd have a tangible item to sink my teeth into. Granted, being the obsessive PM that I am, it wasn't really a to do list, but more like a project plan. But, you get the idea. So, here we are, a mere three months from that date, and our very last item on the massive Fox Relocation Project Plan is done! It's hard to believe. All the filtering, sorting, highlighting and re-reviewing of those items is out of my life. In celebration, here is the proof -- our last item, Idaho license plates.

It's been an adventure, as we've learned that some of our items actually blew up into 10 things in one. And of course, there was a lot of the "we don't know what we don't know" syndrome. We've had to learn new state laws and regulations, but thanks to the friendly people we've encountered... we made it! Now for filing our very first state income tax return. That's a different blog for a different time.

To do lists aside, we have had some more exposure to the beautiful outdoor landscape of our new home as well. As I mentioned in a previous post, I received a wonderful guide to the hiking trails for Christmas. With the weather being too cold for the past few weeks, we haven't been able to tackle those as much as we'd like. We did some driving around in a new neighborhood last weekend and came upon a pretty well-known park/trail system near downtown known as Camel's Back Park. We decided we had to get out and take a closer look, and, it's not named that for nothing! Here is a look at a trail up one of the "humps" if you will. This doesn't do it justice as to the steepness. (We're told that some of the races in town include running up this during the race --- uh, what?)

Since we were sick, we decided to tackle the camel's back via some of the side trails (we're still newbies after all). Several huffs and puffs later, we made it to the top and got this amazing pay off.

Here's a shot of Dave taking a quick break after the hike (and probably muttering at me under his breath).

We did a little bit of exploring and then had to call it a day, but we did enjoy driving around the area and looking at the neighborhoods built into the hills looking out at these amazing views. The oohs and ahhs were overtaking us as we found more and more dream homes in this area. We also had a nice lunch in the Hyde Park neighborhood near Camel's Back.

With the weather getting back into the 40s, we're chasing away the germs and hoping to get back into explore mode this weekend and for the rest of this month. Dave is looking forward to having tons of new outdoor options for his bday this year.

Oh, and for those who know me well, you'll be happy to see I also tackled this to do list item. The best cupcakes in Idaho! DONE!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics and blog. Congrats on successful project management and implementation. Best wishes for much happiness in your new locale.
