Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Celebrations in the Snow

Back in May of last year, I lost some teeth when I bit into a protein bar during a work conference in Las Vegas. Now, I must admit, I led with that to get your attention, and I should add that the "teeth" in question was a bridge that came out thanks to an ooey-gooey RX Bar. But, the outcome was the same. I was missing some teeth and ended up having to visit a dentist off the Strip. I'll just leave the rest of that story for a future post entitled, "Wild Ass Work Trips." Or maybe "If You Lose Your Teeth in Vegas, Head to the Suburbs." 

Back in business
Back in business

Now, what does this have to do with this blog post, and ummm, snow? I bring up the "teeth" incident, because I'm pretty sure that little experience started a string of not so great luck for the Fox household. Sure, there have been some really good times (and great trips) mixed in there, but there's also been a couple of stomach viruses, our company getting sold twice and our dog passing on. So, suffice it to say, the Foxes NEEDED a getaway. Enter: McCall. Ahhhhh, beautiful McCall. This magical place is magnificent in all seasons, but it has been a particularly wonderful place for winter getaways, which, for the past few years, we've scheduled around Dave's birthday. February was never the greatest month to have a birthday before we moved to Idaho, but since getting here and having snow and snow activities, Dave is making up for lost time. In this case, we decided months ago to book a cabin, so we can could spend a long weekend up in the mountains thanks to a weekend birthday. 
Now the Foxes love a good ritual, so when we head North to McCall, we love to start the trip with a little stopover in Horseshoe Bend for breakfast. What better way to fuel up for the day and anticipate/discuss what lies ahead. In this case, we met some friends for our kick-off breakfast, excitedly discussing the activities and plans we'd meet up for during the long weekend. Then we set out for one of the best parts of the trip, the drive. We've had many visitors comment that the drive up to McCall is just as magical as being in McCall itself, and I couldn't agree more. It's like driving inside a snow globe, and this particular morning didn't disappoint. With our soundtrack in place, the two hours passed by quickly, and I'm pretty sure I barely blinked. 

Once in McCall, we headed to the store for some supplies, having planned to cook in the cabin for a few meals. We usually stay in my favorite of all places, The Shore Lodge (moment of silence), but for this trip, we decided to go with a beautiful, wintry log cabin. As soon as we pulled in, I immediately calculated how I'd become a squatter first and then somehow convince the owners to sell. This place was log cabin dreams. The immense stone fireplace, antler chandelier, gourmet kitchen, log structure and wood detail in every room, jacuzzi, reading nook, and on and on and on. 

Throughout the weekend, I spent many hours perched in front of the fire reading. I even did yoga in front of the hearth, and I visited the jacuzzi enough times to get semi-permanently pruned. Of course, there were a few breaks for snowshoeing for me, skiing for Dave and our friends (and if you don't know why I didn't go, you haven't caught up on this blog). We also did game night and an afternoon movie day. 

As with all previous trips, a wonderful time in McCall always must end. Did the rest and recharge re-set our luck? Time will tell. But, in the meantime, a snowy weekend in McCall is just what any doctor would order to soothe the mind. 
p.s. Happy Birthday to my beloved. Our first birthday together was his 24th, and this was number 52. I have loved every one of our celebrations!

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